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Colotok output the log where you specified by the provider and formatted with you passed.

Get Logger

val logger = LoggerFactory() .addProvider(ConsoleProvider()) .getLogger()

you can get the logger instance by LoggerFactory.getLogger()

ConsoleProvider is a builtin provider which used for print the log into console

Text Logging

use bellow methods for appropriately level

logger.trace("message what happen") logger.debug("message what happen")"message what happen") logger.warn("message what happen") logger.error("message what happen") // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.354328+09:00 (main)[TRACE] - message what happen, additional = {} // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.354328+09:00 (main)[DEBUG] - message what happen, additional = {} // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.354328+09:00 (main)[INFO] - message what happen, additional = {} // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.354328+09:00 (main)[WARN] - message what happen, additional = {} // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.354328+09:00 (main)[ERROR] - message what happen, additional = {}


logger.atInfo { print("in this block") print("all of logs are printed out with INFO level") } // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.354328+09:00 (main)[INFO] - in this block, additional = {} // 2023-12-29T12:21:13.356133+09:00 (main)[INFO] - all of logs are printed out with INFO level, additional = {}

Structured Logging

Colotok also can print structured log using kotlinx-serialization.

implement the log structure

@Serializable class LogDetail(val scope: String, val message: String): LogStructure @Serializable class Log(val name: String, val logDetail: LogDetail): LogStructure

and use DetailStructureFormatter to format the log.

val logger = LoggerFactory() .addProvider(ConsoleProvider{ formatter = DetailStructureFormatter }) .getLogger()

then write the log Log( name = "illegal state", LogDetail( "args", "argument must be greater than zero" ) ), Log.serializer() ) // {"message":{"name":"illegal state","logDetail":{"scope":"args","message":"argument must be greater than zero"}},"level":"INFO","date":"2023-12-29T12:34:56Z"}
Last modified: 12 March 2024