Colotok Docs Help


COLOTOK, this is a logging library for kotlin.


✅ Print log with color
✅ Formatter
✅ Print log where you want
 🌟 ConsoleProvider
 🌟 FileProvider
 🌟 StreamProvider
✅ Log Rotation
 🌟 SizeBaseRotation
 🌟 DateBaseRotation(; DurationBase)
✅ Customize output location
 🌟 example
✅ Structure Logging


edit your build.gradle.kts like below.

repositories { mavenCentral() // add this line maven(url = "" ) } dependencies { // add this line implementation("com.github.milkcocoa0902:colotok:0.1.9") }

if you use structure logging or create your own provider, you need to add kotlinx-serialization

plugins { // add this. // set version for your use kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "1.9.21" } dependencies { // add this line to use KSerializer<T> and @Serializable implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core:1.6.0") }


create logger instance

val fileProvider: FileProvider val logger = LoggerFactory() .addProvider(ConsoleProvider{ // show above info level in console level = LogLevel.INFO }) .addProvider(FileProvider(Path.of("./test.log")){ // write above trace level for file level = LogLevel.TRACE // memory buffering to save i/o enableBuffer = true // memory buffer size, if buffer excced this, append to file bufferSize = 2048 // use size base rotation rotation = SizeBaseRotation(size = 4096) }.apply { fileProvider = this }) .getLogger()
logger.trace("TRACE LEVEL LOG") logger.debug("DEBUG LEVEL LOG")"INFO LEVEL LOG") logger.warn("WARN LEVEL LOG") logger.error("ERROR LEVEL LOG")
Last modified: 12 March 2024